LDF Computer Control System

Above is the Laser Demonstration Facility (LDF) Computers and Control System. It controlled the largest steady-state high power laser facility of its time. The LDF demonstrated the feasibility of using a tunable multi-frequency laser to separate isotopes of elements such as Uranium. This machine put the Gas Centrifuges industry out of business.

ATA above gorund

The Advanced Test Accellerator (ATA) performed experiments with directed energy in the form of 50 MeV electrons.

ATA underground tunnel

The Mirror Fusion Test Facility explored a magnetic bottle configuration shaped like a tube with mirrors on each end, analogous to a laser cavity for light. This was the last non-Tokomak (circular tube) configuration seriously explored.

MFTF Fusion machine

MFTF Control Console

MFTF Control Console Design

Supervisory Control System for MFTF